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Our Process

A detailed planning process is the best way to establish financial security. Once we get to know you we can begin to develop a dynamic plan that will meet your immediate needs and goals while adjusting for changes in your professional and social life down the road. We are in it together for the long haul.


So what are the steps?


  1. We gain an understanding of a family’s five individual plans. We follow a specific order in gathering information to develop our recommendations. 

  2. We review the information gathered in the first step and mutually identify and prioritize the client’s goals to be addressed as part of the client’s personalized plan.

  3. We determine the scope, duration and the compensation arrangement of our planning relationship and memorialize the understanding with a written planning agreement.

  4. We gather supporting documents including tax returns, estate planning documents, insurance policies, income resources and investment statements for review. All information collected will be treated as highly confidential, subject to our privacy policy.

  5. We evaluate potential solutions to each prioritized need and develop recommendations for client approval. We identify any additional professional support as necessary.

  6. We implement all agreed upon solutions and monitor the results and effectiveness pursuant to our planning agreement.

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